
Oso irakasle jatorrak, konfidantzazkoak eta batez ere, laguntza asko ematen dituzte ikasleen helburuak lortzeko. Esate baterako, Manchester unibertsitatera sartzea lagundu didate; bai ingeleseko C1 tituloa ateratzen eta bai bertako unibertsitatean matrikulatzeko zenbait prozesuetan. Bestalde, klaseari dagokioenez, klaseak giro onekoak izaten dira. Gainera, ikasleek kurtsoko ezagutzak hobeto ulertzeko zein barneratzeko, bertako irakasleak asmaturiko jolasak egiten dira klaseetan zehar. Eta egia esan, pentsatu baino gehiago laguntzen dute jolas horiek. Izan ere, jolas horien bitartez, zailak diren hitz berriak gogoratzen asko laguntzen dute. Ez hori bakarrik, speaking asko ere egiten dira, non oso egokiak izaten diren Cambridge bezalako azterketa baterako. Amaitzeko, dagokion ingeles mailaren tituloa gainditzeko, behar beste azalpen eta trikimailu ematen dira.

Ane ~ google


La academia es una pasada.

Los profesores están muy implicados, son cercanos y son muy BUENOS enseñando. Las clases no son las típicas clases de academia: hay muchos juegos, mucho dinamismo... He estado en muchas academias y esta ha sido la más dinámica y con la que más me he divertido aprendiendo inglés.

Y encima teniendo en cuenta el tema Covid, las clases son muy amplias y muchísimo material.

Elede GD ~ google


Beti laguntzeko prest eta giro ezin hobea. Eskerrik asko Adam!

Elene ~ google


Quería ir a Holanda a estudiar en la universidad pero para ello tenía que hacer un examen Ielts. Me apunte a esta academia para perpararme para este examen y en esta me encontré en un ambiente muy agradable en el cual aprender. Los profesores son muy agradables y aplicados, verdaderamente se preocupan por qué aprendas y consigas aprobar tus exámenes. Gracias a ellos conseguí sacarme el ielts y me aceptaron en la universidad.

iurgi26 ~ google


Oso pozik, giro ezin hobea, irakasle oso onak eta lagunkorrak. Asko ikasten da jolas giroan.

Agirre ~ google

Summer School

Posted on April 29, 2023

Our summer school will run Mondays to Fridays for 4 weeks from 3rd July until 28th July. We invite you all to come and meet us, see the classrooms and allow us to give your children a placement test. Please call us to make an appointment.

The results are in

Posted on September 9, 2022

Every student that sat the B2 and C1 exam this summer has passed. A massive congratulations to you all! You’ ve all worked very hard and it’ll be our pleasure to hand you your certificates when we receive them in the coming weeks. You’ve earned them. Well done!

Well done to all of our students

Posted on July 22, 2022

It´s been a great year. Everyone has worked hard, learnt a lot and made some new friends along the way. A special congratulations to all the students taking the First exam. Have a great summer, everyone! See you in September!

Summer School

Posted on March 27, 2022

Registration for summer school is open. Get in touch to reserve your place

Great News – We’ve opened a new adult class.

Posted on November 3, 2021

If you’ve got an intermediate level and you want to improve, get in touch to reserve your place.

It’s September!

Posted on September 5, 2021

Only 15 days until our course begins.  We have a few places left for children and adults.  Call us for more information.


Posted on July 24, 2021

Lekeitio English Centre is now closed for August but we’re in town so get in touch to make an appointment if you want to come in and sign up for September. We do have a few places left!

And that’s the end of our first summer school

Posted on July 24, 2021

What a great month it’s been! All of our students have worked extremely hard and improved a lot! We hope you all have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you in September…

The enrolment period for the 2021/2022 course is open!

Posted on July 4, 2021

(Limited places) Contact us on 660335114 or lekeitioec@gmail.com for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!


Posted on June 23, 2021

Last chance to sign up for our Summer School, which starts on Sunday.